Extension and Planting Of Mangroves In The Merambai River In Commemoration Of World Mangrove Day
Extension, Magrove, Planting, Merambai RiverAbstract
In commemoration of world mangrove day, the real working lecture team integrated abdimas University of Riau conducted mangrove extension and planting. This extension was conducted on July 26, 2021 located in Merambai River Teluk Belitung, Belitung Bay Village, Merbau Subdistrict, Meranti Islands Regency. This activity aims to provide knowledge and understanding to children about the important role of mangrove forests for human life. The main target of this extension activity is children educated at dawn in the village. The method used in this extension method is a method of lectures, and discussions, visits to mangrove planting sites. The lecture method is used to convey information about mangroves. Visits to mangrove planting locations are intended to conduct direct planting according to information that has been submitted previously
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Copyright (c) 2021 Fitri Dewi, Nuranisa, Gorby Sergeyevich Muhammad Rasyid, Betha Anjela, Nopriansyah, Neni Hermita
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